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Jo Lee Creativity - Welcome

Writer's picture: Jo Lee Jo Lee

Welcome to the Jo Lee Creativity blog

This blog is for educators, International teachers, Drama, Music & Dance specialists and anyone looking to develop creative confidence.

During the last 20 years of Drama teaching and leading Performing Arts faculties, I've moved from Yorkshire to Malaysia, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and back again. I met my husband, Tom, in Bahrain and we adopted our 'desert special' dog, Ginny, in the UAE. We all arrived back in Yorkshire in July 2022.

This cyclical returning has offered me more than a change of location.

It has been a reuniting, rediscovering and reflective opportunity.

What was this next chapter going to bring?

What is the core of my purpose and passion?

What is my WHY?

Creative Confidence

It all stems from the development of Creative Confidence - a pupil in a classroom grappling with a new concept, a dancer stepping onto the stage in front of an audience, a musician picking up and instrument for the first time.

What about the adults? What about our confidence levels?

It is so much easier to stay with what we know, what we are good at, stay where we feel safe.

Being Brave

Establishing Jo Lee Creativity, after a lifetime of being supported by educational institutions, was a departure. I am no longer part of a clearly defined school community but I am excited to be part of a larger community.

Creative Community

So how can I help bring Creative Confidence to you personally or professionally?

I would love to hear from you with suggestions, questions and comments about the areas where you would like to develop Creative Confidence.

What is most realistic for you to access this work? Will you read a blog? Would you prefer to listen to a recording?


Brown, B. (2011). Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability. TED.

Sinek, S. (2011). Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Penguin Publishing Group.


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